
Showing posts from April, 2022

OOOᑭᔕ OᑎEᔕ ᗩGᗩIᑎ

 I know I’m “Born to Travel”😁🌍 Ones I figured out we have free will do things, create things, visioning future, go for own dreams…I just love traveling 🧳 discovering, capturing memories, tasting food, learning new cultures… I know by now 💯 % that true  luxury comes in the form of authentic places and experiences. 1️⃣ I have been always crazy about  ᗰᗩᑭᔕ to do research where to go, look for new destinations, what’s there… Always studying Geography at school and really enjoying it, watching National Geographic. Creating my vision boards with places I want see… 2️⃣ I’m the perfect exemplar of the ᑕu̶ᖇIOu̶ᔕ  human being, because… Migration, exploration and opening new frontiers have been essential to me. If you feel that constant urge to discover new places, faces and food, then you definitely have the travel not only the travel bug, but constantly trying planing where to go next. 3️⃣ I don’t have problems in justifying my travel ᗷu̶ᗪGET  When people tell you that the money you spent o