Melta- coffee substitute kids can drink

Melta is a very traditional coffee substitute.
I used to drinking as a child with my brother mixed with milk or we broke our “rohlík” white bread roll into small pieces and put it into a cup with melta and eat.
It’s  composition is a bit strange, but the following raw materials are ground: chicory root, sugar beet, barley and rye.
For the human body, the true wonder is the chicory root. It hardly occurs in the diet and is difficult to come across.
However, chicory root contains inulin, which is a helper in many difficulties associated with urinary tract inflammation, kidney stones, constipation or anorexia.
The chicory is much older and better known than melta.
It has been mentioned in Europe in the 17th century. It is produced only from roasted chicory root.
Both beverages, or more precisely coffee powder, are available today. If you do not want to drink these drinks on the advice of doctors because of your health condition, at least taste it in the history and life of grandparents and ancestors.

Melta was pretty much the only choices  during war time if you didn’t had enough money for caffe.
It’s very traditional drink in my country many years of generations and my both grandmas  had it all the time,even special mug size like 0.5L yeah can you believe it?

So today I just wanted have a milky melta and butter cookies. Just pleasantly enjoyed the smell of cooked melta in water and then poured in milk.

How to cook melta?
2-3 tbsp of melta into 0.5l water and just boil it for 5-10minutes.
Then have ready your cup with 3/4 of milk filled up,  warm the milk up and pour the cooked melta into it over strainer.
You can add sugar, or make it stronger if you do half half milk.

Where to buy it?
Of course the easier way is buy it while visiting Czech Republic 🇨🇿 but many online European stores in USA will have it for sure. Also Amazon caring it, inexpensive purchase.


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