
Ohhh yes the most wanted foodies we love love to eat and be spoiled by...hmmmm Not Only, that this food let our tongue watering , but also recalls so many wanted feelings.... lovers romantic nights or weekends, family time, movie time, friends game time...licking fingers and smacking from heavenly tastes, eventually kissing the other get the last bite of that crumb lol...

Appetizer or starter is a small dish served before a meal. Some hors d'oeuvres are served cold, others hot. Hors d'oeuvres may be served at the dinner table as a part of the meal, or they may be served before seating. Formerly, hors d'oeuvres were also served between courses (comes from from France)

Typically smaller than a main dish, it is often designed to be eaten by hand (with minimal use of cutlery).

Hors-d'œuvre in French literally means "outside the work" — that is, "not part of the ordinary set of courses in a meal" or perhaps more accurately a small supportive dish of the main course. The hors d'oeuvre is also known as the starter or entrée.

A small number of food historians believe that the tradition may have begun in Russia, where small snacks of fish, caviar and meats were common after long travels. However, it may be that the custom originated in China, possibly coming through Steppes, into Russia, Scandinavia, France and other European countries.

The tradition may have reached Italy, Greece and the Balkan nations through Russia or Persia. Many national customs are related, including the Swedish smörgåsbord, Russian zakuska, Lebanese mezze, and Italian antipasto. Czech predkrm.

 During the Roman Period the meal practice was to have two main courses which were supplemented before the meal with small amounts of fish, vegetables, cheeses, olives and even stuffed dormice.These would be served at the start of the meal known as either gustatio or promulsis. The Greeks called the appetizer course propoma.

The term appetizer is a synonym for hors d'oeuvre. It was first used in the USA and England simultaneously in 1860. Americans also use the term to define the first of three courses in a meal, which were optional and generally set on the table before guests were seated.

 Drinks before dinner became a custom towards the end of the 19th century. A cocktail party is considered a small gathering with mixed drinks and light snacks. Hors d'oeuvres may be served as the only food offering at cocktail parties and receptions, where no dinner is served afterward.

Prior to the First World War, American dinner guests would be expected to enter the dining room immediately where drinks would be served at the table with appetizers. This changed by the 1920s, when hors d'oeuvres were served prior to a non-alcoholic cocktail; however, after the repeal of Prohibition in the United States, cocktail parties became popular with many different hors d'oeuvres meant as something to help counter the stronger drinks. It is the cocktail party that helped transfer the hors d'oeuvres from the formal dining table to the mobility of the serving tray. These appetizers passed around the cocktail party may also be referred to as canapés.

Obložené chlebíčky ("garnished breads") is an open sandwich in Czech, Polish and Slovak cuisines that is often served as an appetizer dish or as a snack. Various toppings and garnishes are used, and it is sometimes sold as a snack food. It consists of sliced bread that has butter, cheese,fish spread on it, atop which a variety of toppings may be added. Toppings used on obložené chlebíčky include various cured meats such as ham, salami and sausage, sliced hard-boiled egg, cheeses, cream cheese, cucumber, tomato, fish paste, salads and various spreads prepared with meat, vegetables or cheeses. Some vegetables such as bell pepper, pickle, tomato, radish and parsley may be used as a garnish. Veka or baguette bread may be used in its preparation.

Obložené chlebíčky is sometimes sold as a snack food at food stalls during festivals and in bars. Some bars in the city of Prague, Czech Republic serve Obložené chlebíčky as a snack.
**This is just a short post from my book I'm preparing.
**Researches from Google, different webs, books and my own recipes.
**Feel free add your comments or suggestions.


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