
New year 2024 self distraction

This past year has been very, but very busy. I decided to change my location and begin new adventures. Not only I moved from MA to FL, but traveled cross the FL for business purposes and personal reasons.  I had the pleasure enjoy my company opportunities be in Miami and Tampa help opening new stores. I spend my vacation on Key West, beautiful place with many many things to do for single visits and for vacation.  Went to Dry Tortugas national park for a day trip. Breath taking place. Not much to do besides snorkeling and go around this small island or you can stay over and camp. But very unforgettable experience feel and see history on own eyes. Snorkeling was my own challenge, I never did before! It was fun, even had underwater camera. Now im waiting for these photos come out. Lets talking about Distract yourself by focusing on a few of these true gifts this gorgeous planet earth giving us and our life we are creating for ourselves. 1. Begin to talk positively about your situation.  2

Advent a věnce

Vánoce patří k nejkouzelnějším okamžikům v roce. Ať jste malí či velcí, o vánocích je vždy na co se těšit…na cukroví, dárky, vánoční pohádky a mnohem více. Nezáleží na tom, jak moc jste si blízcí, jak dobře se znáte či jak moc času spolu trávíte, vánoční pohoda a příjemné okamžiky můžeme prožít dohromady. Kde se vzaly věnce Historie, která předcházela vzniku tradice s adventním věncem, je skutečně bohatá.  Zvyk mohl inspirovat židovský svátek světel neboli Chanuka, o které lidé postupně zapalují osm svíček na speciálním svícnu. Křesťané se mohli vzhlédnout i v dávném zvyku germánů, kteří v zimě zapalovali oheň uprostřed zeleného kruhu, aby tím znázornili Slunce. Na konci  19. století pak přišel zdánlivě nenápadný, ale klíčový nápad. Habsburský pedagog a kněz Johann Hinrich Wichern tehdy učil malé sirotky a před Vánoci je chtěl trochu potěšit. 30. listopadu, na svatého Ondřeje, proto  nechal zavěsit kolo od vozu ozdobené po okrajích celkem 23 svícemi, které symbolizovaly 23 dní do přích

Old fashioned cook book

 Enjoying old cooking books? Here is one I recently found online after researching for Apple strudel recipes and history. Enjoy 😉

Pão de Queijo - Cheese bread balls

Cheesy gluten free parmesan bites made with tapioca starch! So addictive!  They're great to have for tea or snacks as they do in Brazil for breakfast, my friends told me. Popular snack and breakfast food . It is a traditional Brazilian recipe, originating in the state of Minas   Gerais. Enslaved people would soak and peel the cassava  root and make bread rolls from it. At this time, there was no cheese in the rolls. At the end of the 19th century, more ingredients became available to the colonial community such as milk and cheese later on. They added milk and cheese to the tapioca making what we now know as pão de queijo. Inexpensive,  delicious, very cheese bread. Best eaten warm. Do try these super easy delish cheesy bites. Many people will use yuca flour, but tapioca is just fine. TIP💡 If you won't bake everything at the same time but want leave something for next day, then just put the pre-made balls in fridge. Make sure you pre-make the balls, otherwise it is pretty hard


This is my easy recipe for curtido de cebolla y tomate or onion and tomato curtido salsa/salad.  Curtido is a Latin style lime pickled red onion and tomato salad or lime marinated onion tomato salsa. Most South American main meals will be served with a small salad, and many times this salad will be a curtido or a lime marinated based salsa. It so easy to make that everyone will do without any big preparations. Very delicious refreshing. Ingredients 2   small red onions Juice of 3 limes 1   tablespoon   oil   light olive oil or avocado oil 3   tomatoes 1   tablespoon   finely chopped cilantro 1   tablespoon   salt + more to adjust taste Instructions Slice the red onions very thinly using a sharp knife or a mandoline slicer. Sprinkle the sliced onions with 1 tablespoon salt and rub the salt into the onions. Cover the onions with cold water and rinse well until the salt is removed. If the onions are very strong, then you can let them rest in the water for 5-10 minutes. Drain the onions an


E ncebollado de pescado is one of my favorite soups NOW and recently eat in FL from my very close family, literally it could be translated as oniony fish soup. It's very authentical Ecuadorian cooked dish grandma makes. When i eat it for first time I was very surprised with the taste of the onion salsa on the top of the dish, like really? Is it good idea put salsa in soup?  But gives you totally different dimension of taste experience and very unique combination od lime taste with fish. Encebollado is made with fresh tuna, yuca or cassava root, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, spices and is served with pickled onions and tomatoes on top or mixed in with the soup. The pickled or lime marinated red onions are what give it the name “encebollado”. It is a typical soup from the coastal region in Ecuador. Very refreshing and yummmiiii This Ecuadorian tuna fish soup is very versatile and can be served for lunch, dinner and even breakfast or brunch. In fact, it is known as the best ha

Chocolate Pavê or Tiramisu

CHOCOLATE LAYER 20-25  ladyfinger biscuits  4  tablespoon   Rum  2   cups   whole milk (organic if you can or local) 1   cup   cocoa powder CREAM LAYER 2   15oz   cans sweet condensed milk any 4   cups   whole milk (organic or local) 2-3 tablespoons corn starch , depending how big is your spoon 4   egg yolks I also add sometimes mascarpone layer to make it more fun and extra secretly fluffy for the taste. As you can see the pictures below. You can play with the layer as you want, its fun, its yummier and very delicious dessert. WHIPPED CREAM  2-3 cups   heavy cream, basically no limit on heavy cream  1/2   teaspoon   pure vanilla extract or vanilla paste INSTRUCTIONS  In a large pot combine the condensed milk and 3 cups of the milk. Dissolve the corn starch in one cup of milk and add to the pot. So you have left 2 cups milk. I did ones mistaken to add another cup of milk and it become to liquidly. Cook that mixture over low to medium heat, stirring constantly, until it starts thickenin

Passion fruit dessert

What you need 👇🏼👇🏼 2   teaspoons   (8g) unflavored gelatin  3   tablespoons   water 1 ⅓   cups   (290g) heavy cream any brand,  cold 1   can   (397g) sweetened condensed milk 1   cup   (265g) passion fruit pulp or unsweetened juice concentrate (buy on Amazon) FOR THE TOPPING:  Pulp of 2-3 fresh passion fruits with seeds (about ⅓ cup) ¼   cup   sugar MAKING THE PASSION FRUIT MOUSSE: Mix the gelatin and water in a small bowl, until the gelatin is hydrated. Microwave for 30 seconds (or heat on a double boiler) for the gelatin to melt. Cool slightly before using. Combine the heavy cream, sweetened condensed milk, passion fruit pulp and melted gelatin in the blender. Blend for 5 minutes. Transfer the mousse to a large serving bowl or to 4 individual glasses. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours to set. Top with the passion fruit sauce and serve! MAKING THE TOPPING: Combine the fresh passion fruit pulp and the sugar in a saucepan. Cook, over medium low heat, until the sugar dissolves and the